Posted tagged ‘dream’

our ideal selves…

May 18, 2014


There are days I am my ideal self for whole minutes at a time. What do I mean? Well, we all aspire to be an “ideal self”, which may be that person who pays attention to others, makes soup for the sick neighbour, runs an errand while out to save doubling back, gives to the charity when they appeal, goes for the run at 6am on Monday morning… you get the picture. We all have these ideal selves that we see as who we would like to be.


May 22, 2012

I am not sure who created this sculpture, or any of the others at the annual “Sculptures by the Sea” exhibit. However, whoever they are, these sculptors are inspirational! They bring new ideas, thoughts and emotions to us in our everyday contexts. Why should public monies be spent on this? Because we all need inspiration!

something to brighten your day…

May 11, 2012

I thought I’d share some of my daily inspiration…sights I see on a daily/weekly basis…enjoy…

I love trees! They are majestic and eternal…

Walking through fog is surprising and wonderful!

First thing in the morning, the world is your oyster 🙂

marking time…

May 1, 2012

Overnight 1/3 of 2012 left us…yes, we have 66.6% of the year left to focus on our goals and invest ourselves in what we dream about. The interesting thing is that often people are marking time, just waiting for great to happen.

a meaningful life…

January 30, 2012

A new year is underway and everywhere I see busyness… in the midst of that I wondered about how often people lament about the lack of meaning they sense in their lives. Bees live in community, and although you rarely see one sitting about doing nothing (they are always busy), what they create comes from the hive. In reflecting on this, I wrote a short poem.

stop the planet, I want to get off…

October 6, 2011

There is that old saying “stop and smell the roses” which encourages us to slow down our lives and remember that beauty is all around us. Taking a minute or three to stop and appreciate the world is wonderful! However, if you are like me, then you find yourself living at a pace that means you are rushing through life, slowing only for the sharp corners. When you realise this, you suddenly want to yell “stop the planet, I want to get off!!”

starting over…

August 24, 2011

Ever felt that you wanted a fresh start? Ever felt that life was overwhelming and your mistakes too many? In my experience, we have all been there. Mistakes, bad choices, unanticipated consequences…these all make us want to start over. Just as when we write in the sand at the sea and the ocean washes it away, we can have a fresh start tomorrow.

this adventure we call life…

August 17, 2011

In times of reflection lately, it occurs to me that a great deal of life is lived in the mundane. Most of our time is spent doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry, travel to and from (work, school, etc.). It seems far too easy to lose sight of the adventure that this life is when the mundane colours in most of our day. How do we keep perspective?

a jerry maguire moment (the things we think and do not say)…

August 9, 2011

In just a few weeks I will be offline again, off to a country born in division, torn by strife and bathed in the blood of the innocent… and in preparation for being in “the most dangerous country in the world” I have worked on my will, thought about what I would like to leave people in terms of memories, and generally wondered about how one approaches the idea of death. That is when I had the Jerry Maguire moment… “the things we think and do not say” because I realised that we live emotionally like we under the communist might of a military regime.

on self-discipline…

June 15, 2011

I swim, I bike, I run… I do triathlons. Since completing my first season, I have been asked by countless people “how do you do it?” Everyone has a story of wanting to get fit, keep fit, be fit and strong. And almost everyone has a reason why they can’t. After the question, comes the statement “I wish I could be as self-disciplined as you”… followed by more wishing for what they want.